Social media policy
Rules of use
- Be polite to others and respectful of their opinions.
- Do not write anything discriminatory, racist, defamatory or obscene that contravenes current legislation or encourages anybody else to do so or that encourages anti-social behaviour.
- Respect people’s privacy and reputation.
- Once is enough; avoid repeating the same message time after time.
- Try to ensure that message content is related to the topic under discussion. This will encourage dialogue.
- Consult details of the rules of participation for TMB’s Facebook page and the rules of participation for the Facebook page of the Barcelona Bus Turístic (EN).
- Any comments that do not abide by the rules of participation will be deleted and/or hidden on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.
How to use TMB’s social media outlets
- Use our hashtags to speak to us: #metrobcn, #busbcn, #JoTMBé, #HolaBarcelona, #BarcelonaBusTurístic, #TelefèricdeMontjuïc, #CatalunyaBusTurístic, #FuniculardeMontjuïc and #TramviaBlau.
- If you ask us something directly we will respond to you, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information posted by users.
- We will sometimes ask you, by direct message, to provide us with personal information. We are committed to guaranteeing your privacy.
- We post multimedia materials so that they can be at your fingertips. You can share them in 2.0 environments thanks to the embed function which allows you to insert them into blogs and websites.
- Activate news update notifications on the Facebook page.
- Subscribe to YouTube RSS feeds to receive alerts about the latest videos and photos posted on the channel.
- Follow the RSS feed for our TMB News website.
- Be guided by the labels we use to organise content; they will help you find what you are looking for more easily.
- The distribution of the content we post on social media is subject to the use of Creative Commons Licences.
How are your personal data processed?
Data controller | Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, Ferrocarril Metropolità de Barcelona, Transports de Barcelona, PSM, Fundació TMB, hereinafter TMB carrer 60, número 21-23, Edifici A, Polígon Industrial de la Zona Franca 08008 Barcelona. |
Data Protection Officer | Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona carrer 60, número 21-23, Edifici A, Polígon Industrial de la Zona Franca 08008 Barcelona. |
Purpose of processing | To share your photographs on our social media |
Legal basis | Consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting |
Recipients | TMB social media followers |
People's Rights | You can access your data, ask for them to be rectified or erased, object to them being processed and request the limitation of their use by sending an empail to the data controller at or a letter to the TMB postal address, in both cases stating the reference "Exercise of Personal Data Protection Rights" or by sending your request to the Data Protection Officer |
Lengh of time data is kept | Data will be kept on our social media unless and until you withdraw your consent. We remind you that this consent may be withdrawn at any time. |
Complaint | You can submit a complaint addressed to the APDCAT (CA) through the authority's electronic office or by using non-electronic means. |
More information | For more information about how we process your data, you can consult in our Personal data protection policy. |
Conditions governing the use of your photographs
We love your photo and are grateful to you for having shared it with our social media followers. We would linke to ask your permission to use it on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter with one of the following hashtags: #TMB, #metrobcn, #busbcn, #JoTMBé, #BarcelonaBusTurístic, #CatalunyaBusTurístic, #FuniculardeMontjuïc i #TramviaBlau.
How do we select photographs and how do we request permission to repost your photos?
There are two ways of doing this:
- Posting your photos using one of the official hashtags: #TMB, #metrobcn, #busbcn, #JoTMBé, #BarcelonaBusTurístic, #TelefèricdeMontjuïc, #HolaBarcelona, #SayHolaBarcelona, #HolaBarcelonaTravelCard, #CatalunyaBusTurístic, #FuniculardeMontjuïc and #TramviaBlau. If you use these hashtags it means you are giving us permission to publish. We will always credit you as being the author in the accompanying text and/or we will tag you in the photo.
- We select the most impressive photos of Barcelona and its surroundings, as well as of our own and worldwide public transport. If they are not tagged with our official hashtgas we request your express permission to repost them in a comment. If you reply confirming that you want us to repost your photo using the hashtags #OkTMB, #OkHolaBarcelona, #OkBarcelonaBusTurístic, #OkCatalunyaBusTurístic, we will do so and always credit you as the author by means of a mention on your profile.
What happens when you reply to us with a #OkTMB, #OkHolaBarcelona, #OkBarcelonaBusTurístic, #OkCatalunyaBusTurístic hashtag?
By responding to our message with these hashtags, you are also declaring and guaranteeing that:
- You are 18 years old or over.
- You possess the full intellectual and image rights associated with your photo.
- You have read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions.
Our use of your photo as herein described does not infringe the intellectual and image rights of any third party or contravene any law.
What happens if you no longer with us to publish your image?
Conditions governing the use of your photographs
We love your photo and are grateful to you for having shared it with our social media followers. We would linke to ask your permission to use it on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter with one of the following hashtags: #TMB, #metrobcn, #busbcn, #JoTMBé, #BarcelonaBusTurístic, #CatalunyaBusTurístic, #FuniculardeMontjuïc i #TramviaBlau.